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Rat Pricing

Standard: $30
Marble: $40
Dwarf: $50


Dwarf, and marble rats are only sold to repeat/trusted adopters. Snowflake is not sold. Ear type, coat type, and color do not effect pricing. 

Mouse Pricing

Standard: $5
Hairless: $10
Tailless: $10
Angora: $10
Abyssinian: $10
Hereford: $10

Hairless, Abyssinian, and tailless mice are only sold to repeat/trusted adopters. Color and satin coat type does not effect pricing. Wooly hairless and hairless are considered the same while pricing.

Hamster Pricing

Standard: $20
Dominant Spot: $30
Hairless: $40

Hairless are only sold to repeat/trusted adopters. Markings other than DS, long haired, and color do not effect pricing.


This is pet adoption info- if you are looking for breeding stock, please message or email me about it.

If you see an upcoming litter you're interested in, or a current one, you can email or Facebook message me a filled out adoption form found in the buttons on this page! Our email address and facebook page are found in the buttons at the bottom of this page. Once I receive the application, I will let you know if everything looks right and you will be placed on the waiting list! Babies are chosen in order of said waiting list. If none of them are what you're looking for, you will be moved to the next litter.

Once pups are born, we will make an announcement on our facebook page and they will get their own litter page on our website. We try to get updated photos weekly after week 3.

Rat and mouse pups go home at 6-8 weeks, hamster pups go home at 5-6 weeks. Rats MUST be in at least pairs- we will not sell a single rat pup unless you have rats of your own (same sex). Mouse females do well in pairs or more, but mouse males may fight each other. Our lines don't seem to have as much of a problem with male on male aggression, though. Hamsters MUST be kept alone- they are solitary animals and will hurt each other. 

I will email you when it is time for them to go home, and we can set up a place to meet. We are willing to drive up to an hour to meet for a fee (using a gas calculator). Please bring your own carrier for the animals. Some breeders warn that sniffles may present during the first week home as they adjust to the new air space, but we rarely find that that happens with our own stock.

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