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Commonly Asked Questions

Q: How long have you been breeding?
A: Since 2013.

Q: Can we visit the rodentry?
A: No, nor should you visit other rodentries. It is a serious biosecurity risk to the entire colony to do so and is why rat shows are such a hotbed for virus spread. I am happy to send photos of my set up at any time, though.

Q: What bedding do you recommend?
A: There are various bedding types on the market that work for rodents. The only bedding we do not recommend is cedar and pine (unless the pine is kiln dried).

Q: What food do you recommend?
A: Envigo and Mazuri.

Q: Do you socialize babies from birth?
A: No, nor do we recommend going to breeders who do. This tames the pups, and hides their true temperament. We handle pups for health and gender checks as well as during cleaning and temperament checks. No more than that. When we were new and didn't know any better, we destroyed fantastic lines by outcrossing to stock from a breeder who flaunts socializing babies from birth. Her rats were, genetically, INCREDIBLY skittish. That being said, we occasionally can't resist the temptation to play with a litter of excited 3wk old rats. ;)

Q: What is culling?
A: Culling is removing an animal from your breeding program. This can mean pet homing, retiring, or humanely euthanizing.

Q: What are good reasons to cull?
A: Poor temperament, type, and health are all great reasons to cull. Another one is culling down litter size. There are studies, as well as the experience of plenty of breeders, that shows a smaller litter size produces better sized babies who fill out into adults with nicer size and type. 

Q: Do you cull?
A: Yes.

Q: What do you keep your animals in?
A: Modified/ventilated clear storage tubs. These make great "cages" for rodents, especially burrowing ones like hamsters, as you can keep quite a deep layer of bedding in them.

Q: Do you handle your adult animals?
A: Yes. Once I am sure of an animal's adult temperament and they have passed the temperament tests, I handle and play with them whenever I'd like.


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